Testimony of Glenn McKenney

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After 40 years of devotion and service to the LDS Church, Glenn was no longer able to ignore certain truths that were slowly coming to light in his life. He began an earnest study of the religious organization he thought he knew, which led to his exit from Mormonism. The son of convert parents, he was the first of his generation to be "born in the covenant". Later, he would become the first in his family to be "born again" and become a believing disciple of Jesus.

Honoring Our Moms

God brought Israel out of captivity after may miraculous events.  When Moses met God on Mt. Sinai, he received the Ten Commandments, and in Ex 20:12, we are commanded to honor our mothers and fathers that we might live long upon the earth.  On this special Mother’s day, Darrell encourages us with some important details of how we can take seriously this promise and so honor our mothers.

Loving People

How can we join Jesus in His  mission of redemption?  Jacob reminds us that following Jesus is more than just knowing and doing the right things.  It is a journey of moving toward Jesus that begins as God draws people to Himself.  Our role is to come along side and share our story.

Christian or Disciple?

In a recent survey, 83% of Americans say that they consider themselves to be a Christian.  In this message, Darrell explores what people are expressing when they use the term Christian.  In doing so, he answers the question, "What is the difference between being a cultural Christian and a true disciple of Christ?"=

Loving and Serving Those Around Us

As we serve people in and around our church community, we find that the love of Christ is seen in us.  It is this love that binds us together and displays our unity to the world. As Jesus says of us in John 17:21,  "that all of them may be one, Father... so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”  In this message, Darrell exhorts us to ask ourselves what changes we should make so that this important work of Christ increases daily in us.

Eternity in Our Hearts

Darrell reflects on how we as humans seem to be instinctively aware that there is a God who is in ultimate control. There is something inside each of us that is radically connected to God, because we were made in His image and are drawn to experience this connection. In this context, when we encounter Jesus and declare Him as Lord, we move outside of our self centered existence and discover “eternity in our hearts.”