God is Holy

God is, at His core, love.  On the other hand, wrath is His careful opposition to those things in conflict with who He is, that being sin and evil. Thus, wrath, is not who He is, but what He does.  Daniel takes on a complex and uncomfortable topic, because how we view a holy God effects how we live. 

Are We Too Busy For Real Relationships?

Are our relationships suffering, because we don’t have time for them? Are we too busy for a relationship with the Father? Many of us suffer from the “hurry sickness.” We’ve bought into the lie that time is money, and so we are only as valuable as what we produce.  In this pattern, our relationships suffer—at work, at home, and, yes, at church. Phil concludes that the most important things in our lives cannot be rushed, and bottom line, God did not call us to this frantic lifestyle.  Listen to this exhortation to “eliminate hurry” and change the tempo of your life.

I Am the Gate

Jesus says, “I am the gate for the sheep.” He declares in John 10 that He is the only gate through which to enter, and His sheep will hear his voice and walk through.  Darrell breaks down the context of this word picture, whereby we are all invited to enter in and find life.

I Am the Bread of Life

Jesus becomes linked with the earliest revelation of God to Moses by declaring, “I am the bread of life.” Not only is He one with the great “I AM,” but He further discloses how a relationship with him is indeed like a “staple” of life.  Listen in as Darrell opens up this new series on the “I Am’s.”